Team members

Hack your work culture

two people evolving an idea by building on each other's thoughts

Take things into your hands

  • Set up a challenge instead of waiting for things to change.
  • Take ownership of the way you work. It’s your organisation, too.

Connect with your peers

  • Work towards a common goal instead of watching everyone struggling by themselves. 
  • Work out agreements with co-workers on what needs to be done.

Drive things forward

  • Make your team’s improvement efforts transparent.
  • Learn fast, what works and what doesn’t.

Nyord enables you to take ownership of the way you work together with your peers.

How it works
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Change can start anywhere

Get Feedback on a New Strategy

Coming soon

Build a Great Feedback Culture

Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Coming soon

Improve Employee Onboarding as a Team

See all use cases
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